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Bicycle ride : Vendôme, Marcilly-en-Beauce, Thoré-la-Rochette, Naveil
The time has finally come for the Chatmouettes to go back on their bikes after a long hibernation period ! Today’s menu : Vendôme, Marcilly-en-Beauce, Thoré-la-Rochette et Naveil

Your personalized avatar in the comments
A short article to explain how to place a cute image next to your comments on our website.
Minutes of this historic Saturday 15 October 2011
Protesters from more than 1000 towns in 82 countries went in the streets on 15 October 2011 to demand global change and a real democracy. We were in Tours but in the rest of the world, how was it ?
What are you doing on 15 October ?
On 15 October, people from the entire world will go down the streets and the squares. From America to Asia, from Africa to Europe, these persons mobilize themselves to claim their rights and demand a real democracy. Now, it’s time to get together in a non violent worldwide movement.
The Tour de France 2011 passing through the Loir-et-Cher at Montoire-sur-le-Loir
In a few days, the racing cyclists of the Tour de France vintage 2011 will pass through the Loir-et-Cher, such as Montoire-sur-le-Loir, well known by some members of the Chatmouettes, but also at Chaumont-sur-Loire place almost inescapable of the Loire by bike !
A spoke in our wheels !
Crash at the Chatmouettes ! A major unexpected event puts a question mark over our project “Alongside the Loire”.

The Loire by bike is celebrating in the central region from Tours to Orléans !
Saturday 02 July 2011, prepare your bikes and come and participate to the Loire by bike’s celebration which will take place on the track of the Loire by bike between Tours and Orléans
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