Just an opinion on “Juste une cachette” (just a hiding-place) by Madeline Fouquet
Last Saturday Minna and I, accompanied by my parents, have been at the first performance of the new play by Madeline Fouquet and Claudie Ollivier : “Juste une cachette” and we give our opinion !

1st Calligraphy course : Gothic textura
A first Calligraphy course for the Chatmouettes organised by Julien from Etrace et caetera. This is just the beginning but we can’t wait for the next sessions !
“Libération à Blois” by Madeline Fouquet
Last Saturday, 7 May 2011, Minna and Shazen have lived the “Libération à Blois” thanks to Madeline Fouquet and the museum of the resistance of Blois. Freedom and art are the important themes for the Chatmouettes, so a promotional article for this original and free show is well deserved !

Lugdulo’V : find a bike right here not far !
Having (almost) always a bike to hand when we need it and without doing our head in, even when we are in a city we don’t know at all, it’s possible ?
With Lugdulo’V it looks like it is.

The Cat and the Seagull : fable inspired of “The Cock and the Rat”
After Minna and her splendid fable “The Cock and the Rat” inspired of La Fontaine, I had the feeling that some kind of competition was on, that’s perfect timing.
Stoumik, your turn it looks like …

Cap man was caught speeding on his bike
A video that made us laugh : Cap Man, a superhero from Belfort was caught speeding on his bike by an automated speed camera …
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